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Tired of having the same products as your competition?

Elevate Your Offerings: Explore Our Exclusive Catalog for Unique Products! In our catalogue you can find more than 1500 educational books and games.

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Key 2023 Figures

+125 Published Books

+39 Published Games

25 Active Licenses

Sold in +25 Countries

Our Brands

Leading License Award 2023

In 2023 Europrice was recognized with the title of Leading Licensee 2023. For this nomination, several factors were evaluated, such as innovation, catalogue and distribution, placing Europrice among 350 companies at a global level that are absolutely strategic for the licensing industry.

Why Working with us?

Good and Sustainable Quality

At Europrice, safety is paramount, quality is our commitment, and sustainability is our pledge. With over 26 years of industry expertise, we prioritize FSC certification and use recycled materials to ensure our products meet the highest standards while championing environmental responsibility.

Competitive Price

We always reach the market with highly valuable educational content at reasonable prices so that every family can afford.

Exclusive Products

We have a full team of illustrators, designers and teachers who are constantly looking for new and fun ways to educate kids.

26 Year's Old Company

With over 26 years of comprehensive industry knowledge, we aspire to be more than suppliers. We aim to be your dedicated partners in growing your category sales.

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